1.To her great surprise, she fell through the roof, landing on her head, and the roof caved in on top of her.
2.It's one of the cheapest times to borrow but it's not as if consumers are flocking to cash in on low interest rates.
3.With just a single click on your mouse , anything that you ordered online can be taken to our door in on time.
4.The brief account of the Great Leap Forward in On China concludes with the observation that more than 20m died as a result of famine.
5.Today, I went into a public bathroom and walked in on a guy checking his butt out in the mirror to see if he'd wiped properly.
6.The Poor Fellows shoved men aside to open a way through the crowd whilst the Swords fell in on either side of her.
7.She (and she is often though not always a she) may listen to her boss' voicemail messages, if she's not listening in on calls directly.
8.The surface of an object in four-dimensional space would look like a three-dimensional "surface" that curves in on itself.
9.Three bidders are in on the auction for the company and one of them could keep at least some of the stores open.
10.She could never live a full life again after her debilitating illness set in on her. She was totally dependent on others.